",$var) || eregi("",$var) ) { // Prepare mail to server admins $msg = "Remote IP: ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."\nDomain: ".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."\nScript: ".$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]; // Mail mailserver admin to dynamically block ip from future mailings to this server mail('abuse@techmeridian.com','Spam Injection Detected...[BLACKLIST IP: '.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].']', $msg); // Force script to fail... No need to process further... die('Spam Injection detected!'); } $search = array("\r","\n"); $replace = array(""); $newvar = strip_tags(str_replace($search,$replace,$var)); return $newvar; } if ($submit) { # Let's check for errors if ($name == "") { $err_name = 1; $err = 1; } if (($email == "") || (!ereg("^.+@.+\\..+$", $email))) { $err_email = 1; $err = 1; } if ($err != 1) { # Process the form $sendto = "ed@edpennimandesign.com"; $from = sprintf("%s <%s>", "Website Form", "noreply@techmeridian.com") ; // Build the body message $bmsg .= "Name: ".spamInjectionCheck($name)."\n"; $bmsg .= "E-mail: ".spamInjectionCheck($email)."\n"; $bmsg .= "Phone: ".spamInjectionCheck($phone)."\n"; $bmsg .= "Interest/Inquiry: ".spamInjectionCheck($comments)."\n"; mail(spamInjectionCheck($sendto), "web site contact us form", $bmsg, "From: ".spamInjectionCheck($from)."\r\n"); header ("Location: thank-you.php"); } } ?> Ed Penniman Associates Design * Contact Us

Contact Us

We need to know who you are, don't we?"); } ?>name: 

Don't worry. We won't spam you too much."); } ?>e-mail:

